

  • 03.2024 - 08.2024
    Research Assistant
    Software Foundations Lab, Seoul National University
  • 03.2023 - 08.2023
    Research Intern
    Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy, Bochum, Germany
  • 09.2020 - 08.2021
    Research Intern
    Software Foundations Lab, Seoul National University
    • Advised by Chung-Kil Hur
    • Developing and verifying a compiler for the CCR framework
  • 01.2019 - 09.2020
    Mandatory Military Service
    ROK Army
    • Sergeant
  • 04.2017 - 08.2017
    Research Intern
    Integrated Quantum Systems Lab, Seoul National University
    • Advised by Dohun Kim
    • Research and experiments on NV center qubits
    • Programming and developing devices for experiments

Honors and Awards

  • 02.2024
    Master's Thesis Award
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University


  • 06.2023
    PLDI 2023, as part of FCRC 2023
    Orlando, Florida, United States
    • Fair operational semantics
  • 02.2023
    SIGPL Winter School 2023, The Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers
    Seoul, South Korea
    • About fair operational semantics, as a part of research group introduction

Teaching Experience

  • 09.2023 - 12.2023
    Topics in Programming Languages (Logic in computer science)
    Makoto Tatsuta, Seoul National University
    • TA, Graduate level course
  • 09.2022 - 12.2022
    Principles of Programming
    Chung-Kil Hur, Seoul National University
    • TA, Undergraduate level course
  • 03.2022 - 06.2022
    Principles and Practices of Software Development
    Chung-Kil Hur, Seoul National University
    • TA, Undergraduate level course

Other Activities